Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Colossians 2:6-15

We continue our journey with the lectionary. I talked about how being persistent is important in our spiritual lives. We are called to remain centered in our life with God. That we are to continue to live in Christ. In the Renovare Spiritual Formation Bible points out "2.8 see to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy. Paul insists that Christ alone is adequate for knowledge of God and salvation. There is no need for special experiences, disciplines, or teachings that argument the gospel he taught." We are to live in Christ rooted in the faith that we have.
In "Awakenings," the writer states, "Roots are nothing if not persistent. They just keep expanding and digging themselves deeper and deeper in the soil from which their health and nourishment come." The author reminds us that we need to remember to not get caught up in form rather than content. "Has your worshipping community ever fallen into the trap of making an idol of form? Have you ever succumbed to that temptations in worship preparation? Do you sometimes forget that there isn't a book comparable to Leviticus in the New Testament?"
Think about the number of arguments that have occurred about the style of praising Christ and God. What are the right hymns that we are supposed to sing? What about the creeds that we are supposed to do? Many a liturgical battle has occurred on form rather than substance.
Paul is reminding us that we remember the simplicity of the gospel free of the frills, rituals, and rules. How much simpler worship can be if we remember that we are not worshipping ourselves but God.
Today reflect on what it might look like if what we did in worship would be Christ centered. Would we care what songs we would sing, what rituals we would do if we would do these for God? I would like to think that we would do whatever we could that everyone not just my preferences or a small group preferences would be able to praise God.

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