Saturday, February 23, 2008

Grace like rain fall upon me

For those who are going to read this prior to Sunday's sermon (Feb. 24), I wanted to give you something to reflect on before Sunday. I would encourage you to remember a time that you were aware of God's grace in your life. As you remember, try to create such a vivid image of that time. Where were you and what were you doing? Was the feeling something that you had anticipated or did it just seem to happen without planning?
For me, God's grace seems to happen at times that I least expect it and happen in a way that I would never have anticipated. There have been many times that I was going about my normal routine when God interrupted me. Sometimes it was something someone else had said or there was something around that I saw with new eyes, new ears, and a new heart. Spend some time thinking about it and keep it close to you as you come to church this Sunday.

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