Wednesday, June 30, 2010


A couple of thoughts for today. The first is preparing for the transition between Springfield and Ainsworth. I have been not only trying to continue to bring order out of chaos but also to prepare for my first services. I will be focusing on New beginnings which comes from scripture readings in Isaiah 48:18-25 and Romans 12:1-8. The prophet speaks of God doing a new thing for the people of Israel. That transitions and change can effect large numbers of people. What makes a difference is how we respond to the changes. Paul speaks to the changes that occur within ourselves and ways that effects the body of Christ. I will be writing more on that in the future.

Also from Scott Serving Strong I wanted to share what he had to say.PowerMail (by Serving Strong)
A minute just for you because you help others
Issue #192

Self Sufficient

We admire it.
We teach it to our children.
We write books about how to obtain it.
It makes us marketable.
It produces good credit.
It feeds our self esteem

What is it? Self Sufficiency

Self sufficiency is only half good. We all need sufficiency. But its the self part that's the problem. Self is not always able to deliver. The moment we try to become self sufficient is the moment we climb the throne and knock out Christ as central command of our existence. We may think we can take on the world and its problems. But in the end we will be disappointed. Being in ministry only adds to the problem. Working with people is messy. Dealing in the eternal good and evil requires a kind of sufficiency that is impossible to manufacture on our own.

Lasting strength comes from a posture of brokenness and dependency on our Creator. That's because lasting sufficiency is a gift from outside of us, not a strength within us. So I challenge you with two assignments this week:

FIRST: Take 5 minutes to examine the level of self sufficiency you have allowed to permeate your life and ministry. Recommit yourself back to Christ as your sole source of sufficiency

SECOND: Read this blog post for more insight, which includes some scripture: "Stop Right Now"

If you wish to receive his weekly emails here is the address:Scott Couchenour ( on behalf of Scott Couchenour (

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