When my best friends came to visit last weekend, we had a great time. We went to Smith Falls and on the way back to Ainsworth we decided to go to the Nordan bridge. I had been on the river road only once and there were times that we may have questioned where we were heading but we did find the bridge and found our way home. I actually used that as a sermon illustration that we knew if we kept to the path before us and kept the Niabrara on our right we would eventually find our way home. Much like no matter the twists and turns or the bumps in the path, if we remain focused on Christ we will find our way home. We are recording my sermons so that if anyone wants to hear the sermon in its completeness let me know.
Prior to turning off the road, we went to an overlook outside of Valentine NE. While there,I took a picture of the blue tailed skink. I guess I was surprised that we had indigenous lizards in Nebraska. I found out that the blue tail is the male and that if one would grab the tail it would break off allowing the lizard to escape. As I reflect on that, I began to think about the idea of allowing things to break off in my life that I can escape from the idolatry especially of possessions. If the skink could not let go of the tail, he would be eaten by predators. Are there things that we hold onto so hard that we are unwilling to let go of them? If so what might those be? I know in my life my faith in the saving grace of God through Jesus is one of the things that I will not let go of. My love of my wife is one of those things that I will not let go of as well as my children and grand children. But if I lost all my possessions would I miss them you bet! But they are not that important. So what are those beliefs or things do you hold on to?
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