Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November thoughts

It seems that it has been forever since I sat down to write on my blog.  To catch up I did complete the gospel of Matthew and we have one more week in our bible study of the gospel.  Every time I study scripture something strikes me that I had not reflected on in the past.  This time was when Jesus was tried by the Sanhedrin there were two disciples who witnessed the abuse, Peter who denied him and Judas who betrayed him.  What struck me as interesting about this, was the times in my life I was a Peter and even a Judas.  The difference between the two was that Peter asked for forgiveness and Judas did not.  The question would be have there been times in your life you have either been Peter or maybe even Judas?  Have you asked for forgiveness?  Know that God will forgive you and wipe the slate clean because of what Jesus has done for you and me.

This month I will be focusing on the Lord’s Prayer.  I have often felt that just because we say this weekly does not mean we truly are aware of what we are saying.  In fact sometimes, I feel that if I say something that I have memorized it can become so rote that it is only words.  During the month we will focus on three parts of the prayer.  The first is to whom are we praying.  In the gospel of Matthew, the entire prayer is first person plural.  Our Father who art in heaven.  Not just mine but everyone’s. 

The next week we will be focusing on the three divine petitions, hallowed be thine name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  All prayers should first focus on seeking God’s Will not ours.

The last week will focus on the three human petitions, give us this day our daily bread, forgive our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors, and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one.  Note again the plural which states all of us.

It should be an interesting series and would encourage others to be present or to listen on our website

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