Saturday, February 18, 2012

Passing the mantle

Tomorrow I will be focusing on what it means to pass the mantle of leadership and discipleship.  The main scripture comes from 2 Kings 2:1-14.  The story of Elijah and Elisha regarding the passing of the inheritance of prophecy.  There is a parallel with the gospel story of Jesus and the transfiguration found in Mark 9.  Also the parallel with Moses and Joshua in Deuteronomy passing the leadership to the next generation.  Today we also face the need to pass the mantle of leadership and discipleship to a new transition in our churches.  As the churches begin to face the post-modern age, we need to allow the emergence of the new Christianity which honors the stories and scripture but can emphasize the leadership of the new generation.
It should be interesting time for us to give our mantle of leadership to those who follow.  Maybe that is what being transfigured is all about.

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