Thursday, January 2, 2014

January 2, 2014
It is hard to believe that a new year has begun.  It certainly started out right with a win by the Cornhuskers yesterday.  Capped a trying year for injuries but the team came together.
It is also a time of year to begin to look at what we are going to do to continue to grow as a disciple this year.  A recommendation from the council of bishops was to read a chapter a week of the gospels Luke-Acts.  It was suggested that one would begin with Luke 1 on January 5th. 

 If you decide to follow through, take your time and read the chapter preferably in two or three versions.  Also if you have any commentaries use them during the week.  On Saturdays I will post some ideas that I have found insightful.  Luke-Acts should be read as one gospel.  The first with the ministry of Jesus and the second with the ministry of the church.  To be a disciple one cannot separate the two.  As important as it is to accept Jesus in one’s life, we are called into the ministry of the church.  Part of this discipline is to remind us of the importance of both.  Faith is a verb calling to be put into action.

As we join together, it is recommended to find a partner.  By sharing our interpretations we grow in understanding more of God’s call in our lives.  If any are willing to meet for early breakfast or early evening let me know.  There are 52 chapters in Luke-Acts.  This way you will finish both by the end of December 2014.  So join with me as we discipline ourselves for 2014.

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