Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Tuesday musings January 1 2019

                2018 is in the books and 2019 the journey unfolds. For many, 2018 could not be done quicker. Between severe hurricanes, fires, drought, floods, loved ones who have died, endless wars and mass murders, it was a difficult year. 2018 began with a governmental shut-down and ends with a governmental shutdown. Yet, with all of that, there was times of celebrations, joys, births, marriages that caught the world’s attention, an economy that for the most part showed improvement, and for me the beginning of retirement.
                So what does 2019 hold? My answer is IDK. Will this year be a deja vue of last year? Will we continue to see endless wars, extreme climate changes, continued mass murders especially of children, more refugees seeking asylum? IDK! But even with the issues that continue to be with us, there will continue to be hope, peace, love, and joy. When we become discouraged, remember that Jesus God incarnate was born in similar times. He too was homeless, a refugee, a victim of Rome and church. But, he did so for us because he loved us so much that he was willing to lay down his life for each one of us. He said so many times, “Don’t be afraid and don’t let your hearts be troubled.” We can become part of the issues that plague our nation either through acts of omission or acts of commission. Or we can become the body of Christ, hands of doing, feet of going, words of encouraging, to speak of justice that we see and hear.
                When I am discouraged but the world events, I have a choice. I can do nothing. I can stand with those who are hurting, discouraged, the poor and hungry, the children to show them something beyond fear and abuse. This is not a matter of Republicans vs. Democrats, not a matter of conservatives vs. liberals, not a matter of orthodox vs. progressive, it is a matter of Jesus and following what we see in the gospels. To look at the covenant relationship that God has with all his creation. A covenant that we are stewards of doing, to care for creation, to care and love our creator, and to care and love our neighbor.
                Rather than me doing the common resolutions of losing weight (though that is something I need to do or to exercise more again something that I need to do), resolutions that last less than two-three weeks, maybe my resolution is to be more Christ like, to pray more often, to love more not just family and friends, to spend less time worrying and more time doing. To continue to edit social media to remove divisive comments. To fast from negativity in my life. To share with those around me in my community, my church, even in my nation. Let’s see if these might be some resolutions that I can at least work on and maybe make 2019 a better year. Maybe they would make your 2019 a better year and not just be like last year.

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