Monday, June 9, 2008

running marathans

Sunday I preached on the covenant that God made with Abram in Genesis 12:1-9. I wanted to summarize for those who may want to have some of the information. I talked about what it takes to prepare for such a marathan journey of faith. More than a marathan but rather an ultra-marathan. The magazine Homiletics talked about ultra-marathans which are 100-200 miles. This would be like Abram's journey to the promised land.

I started talking about how each marathan training has to begin with a first step. One thing I did not include in the sermon was the idea that being disciplined and being a disciple are the same thing. The image that I used was a toddler who takes his or her first step. What encourages them to make that risky attempt is a parent with outstretched arms ready to catch you if you should fall and to pick up so that you can try again. That is exactly what God does for us. God's outstretched arms of grace are there for us if we are willing to risk the first steps of faith.

Our faith journey continues much like when we leave the comfort of our families and venture out to the world. Much like the first day of school, a young child steps forward to the unknown and now is surrounded by others who are there to help teach and guide the child. God puts into our lives those who are also on the journey to help support and build one another. Marathan runners are surrounded by other runners and usually are willing to help teach others so that they too can be able to complete the race.

Another image is that there are times that we are not aware of the goal but know that God is with us. Also we cannot anticipate all the obstacles that occur in our life. But God does and God sees the big picture. What we have to concentrate on is not the end but the path that we are running now. Abram was able to do that and is the example. Our lives are not a dash but are an ultra-marathan that we are to complete knowing that there is a great blessing for us.

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