Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Another tuesday time

Just wanted to share the following:

Traveling isn't always glamorous.

I have traveled by plane. There are a lot of headaches associated with traveling this way: schedule delays, cramped seating, small bags of peanuts, and heavy luggage to name a few.

But I have also been given the gift of some of the most incredible cloud formations after rising above the clouds. In fact, it seems the most incredible clouds come from storms taking place below.


As you read this issue, stop for a moment.
Take a deep breath.
Take another deep breath.
Take one more.

What are you facing today? What challenges are you wrestling through? What walls are you trying to navigate around/through?

My prayer for you is for God to lift your sights above your "clouds" so you see something bigger going on than what's right in front of you. I've pray you come to realize in the midst of your storms God is doing some incredible work which you may not fully understand right now.

I pray Colossians 1.9-14 over you; that you would...

- Know God's Will
- Live a worthy, pleasing life
- Bear fruit
- Grow in Him
- Live in His strength
- Have endurance & patience
- Live in joyful gratitude
- Claim your secure inheritance
- Embrace freedom

I don't presume to have it all together nor have all the answers. Quite the contrary, I am just as messed up as you are. Consider me a "fellow beggar telling another beggar where to find food." God bless you all for helping other people in this life.

I'll "see" you right here next week.
This comes from my serving strong newsletter. seems to fit where I am today. I finished my series on families and probably will need to do a families part 2. Talked about communication, conflict and caring. I will add more tomorrow.

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