Thursday, April 22, 2010

Listening 2

I don't know about you but there have been times someone has said to me, "Are you listening to me?" I have to admit that sometimes the person is right that I am not listening or even hearing what they are saying. When I am distracted by other thoughts, worrying about things, anticipating what I am doing, I am not focusing on the person. Sometimes when I am in a hurry, I do not pay attention and want the other person to cut to the chase of what they want. When I do this, I miss not only the words the person is saying but also what those words mean to the person.

For me listening or hearing depending on one's preference, means not only knowing the words but also what lies underneath those words. If as the suggests that hearing is listening and perceiving, then to be fully present to another requires that we make the effort to be truly with that person. Then and only then, do we see not only the words but also the impact of those words on others.

In the gospel of John, those who are arguing with Jesus and demand to know whether or not he is the Messiah have listened and even witnessed what Jesus has said and done but do not perceive who he is. In fact the Greek for which in most English translations say tell us plainly or don't keep us in suspense really could be translated stop annoying us with what you claim.

Yet it should not be them that are annoyed but Jesus who continues to be misunderstood. I know that when I make the effort to say something that I feel is important and others either don't listen or twist what I say to fit their perceptions, I feel annoyed. Jesus uses this as one more time to try to get them to listen to what he offers to those who would not only listen to him but perceive who he is.

The question becomes are we taking time to listen and perceive Christ in our lives today? Let's vow that today we will put down our lists, our busyness, our distractions, and take time to be with Jesus for at least 15 minutes.

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