If anyone has read the Facebook for our churches, there may be a cryptic message in the comment section. I wanted to explain myself more about that. I received an email regarding concerns that came across their Facebook page that seemed to indicate that the United Methodist Churches were being used by Satan by offering hospitality to other religious organizations particularly Islam. The person who forwarded to me was concerned about what it had to say and I thought that I wanted to respond to her concerns. BTW she was not the originator of the email. I copied the body of the email that I received.
"What in the world does the United Methodist Church think it is doing????? Taking down their emblems of faith, cleansing their church of all articles offensive to Islam, opening their doors and sharing their sancturay. You talk about a group of people who are decieved. 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore ...his servants also disguise themselves...
I am reminded of what happens during political campaigns when massive emails are sent out regarding supposedly a candidates beliefs or statements which end up being lies or exaggerations. The reason that people do this is that for many people they never bother to find out if the statements are true. Also it causes those politicians to spend time and money to discount the falsehoods and tell the truth.
I equate the above email in that category. As a church we do not remove the symbols of our faith or cleanse our churches of items such as all Bibles or stained glass windows. As I stated in the Facebook page, only our General Conference would ever insist that all churches abide by the church rule and I would guarantee that would not happen.
I am sorry that whoever sent this did not read the entire chapter 11 of Corinthians and instead proof-text three verses. Paul is talking about those who wanted to claim to be apostles and who were sowing discord within the body of Christ. It would seem that this email is such an attempt to sow discord among believers. Following the verses Paul questions the people about why they would put up with falsehoods, being taken advantage of, and being preyed upon.
I do know that there have been United Methodist Churches who have participated in joint services involving all three Abrahamic religions. I am not aware of any church that has removed symbols of faith so that they would not offend anyone. I am also unaware of any churches that are offering their sanctuary on a full time basis for Islamic services. That is not to say there are none, I am saying I am unaware and would doubt that those of the Islamic faith would use our sanctuaries for their services except in emergencies.
I am thankful that I was forwarded this particular email. There have been many attacks on our denomination from various groups seeking to split the church and to sow discord. It is not just our denomination but others as well. I would hope that when you receive such emails designed to instill doubt and discord that you first would research to see if it is true and if not do not forward it to others without stating the facts.
I believe in our church and realize that when we are making a difference in spreading the Good News of Christ there will be those who oppose it. Stand firm in the faith and pray for those who out of jealousy or fear react negatively to His grace.
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