Friday, April 1, 2011

April 1st

This is no April Fool's joke.  The Pittsburgh Pirates won their opener in Chicago.  I am in Pittsburgh spending time with my new grand child Chayse. Pictures will be on facebook.  I have had a great time though a short time.  I am reminded how important family is.  Unfortunately I am leaving tomorrow to come back to Ainsworth so the trip was short.  I greatly enjoy my time with Ainsworth and Johnstown United Methodist Church and they have been so supportive and willing to look at the ministries that we are doing and even those that we can do.
This Sunday I will be preaching from John 9:1-41 about the blind man healed by Jesus.  I often think about what it means to be blind not just physically but blind to how God is responding in  our lives.  Lent is the time for everyone to open their eyes and remember what God has done for you.  May God be with you this day.

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