Monday, April 6, 2009

I was reading the devotion from Disciplines today and it was interesting for it talked about some of the same things that I wrote for our monthly newsletter, The Journey. The author talked about the ambivalence that Jesus must have felt as he entered into Jerusalem. The scripture was Isaiah 42:1-9. At the end of this I will copy what I wrote from the pastor's desk.

What I wanted to share tonight was from Isaiah that states that the servant will be a light to the nations. Whether we see this servant as Israel or see the servant as Jesus, what God is intending is not just for a small group of people but for all people. In my Wesley Study Bible, there was a life application about this and I want to quote it. "I have taken you by the hand and kept you; I have given you as a covenant to the people, a light to the nations (Isa 42:6b). Jesus is the light of the world--he came to chase away the darkness of brokenness, sin and death. He calls us to be the light of the world (Matt 5:14). God's grace has been released for the whole world in the person and work of Jesus, and God calls us to be partners in spreading the light of the good news to the whole world. Are you reflecting the light and grace of God in your life?" p864.

The question during Lent is how am I remaining faithful to Jesus and his commands. Even in the difficult times that we face and sometimes the conflicts that we endure and even the ambivalence we may feel, God is with us and the Sonshine will never be overtaken by the darkness. Here is my message that I wrote for the newsletter:

From the Pastor’s Desk April

As I am writing, I am reminded of the weather that occurs in Nebraska. March 23rd there were several tornados and hail all around us. The coming weekend there is predicted snowy mixture. This followed a weekend of sunshine and temperatures in the 70’s. This can only occur in Nebraska.

As I reflect on this changing and often unpredictable weather, I realize that life can also be unpredictable. What one could depend on has a way of changing and the sunshine of today can give way to violent storms of life. Where the hope is that the storms of life also give way to the Sonshine. During Lent we have been focusing on spiritual disciplines and how important they are so that we can not only weather our personal storms but also continue to build the faith. No matter those problems that we face, when we have a committed relationship with God, we can overcome. No matter the people who disappoint us we can forgive and extend an invitation to healing. Especially to those who have hurt us, individual and as a body of Christ.

Lent is that time to remember what Jesus has done for our lives. With the events that have occurred in the last week, we remember that we are a body called to repentance and to forgiveness. I would be remiss not to thank those who have come forward in support of the unfortunate incident that has occurred. I am so thankful for the community in which I live and which we live who respond in times of need. Thanks be to God. See the newsletter for the many people named and unnamed who have supported us during trying times.

April is also the time of Easter. During holy week, we will be doing some special services as well as an Easter Vigil. See the times in the newsletter. Easter is the celebration that the Son will shine no matter the darkness that surrounds us. The light helps us not stumble and fall. Let this Easter be a time of building our spiritual body through healing, forgiving, and growing. As the flowers bloom and the grass greens, may we also let go of that which hinders our relationship with God and with each other so that we can bloom in the light of Christ.

Pastor Eldon

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