As we prepare for Valentine's day, I thought I would share an entry from Crazy Talk by Rolf Jacobson. I have been out of town for three days this week and just now have time to reflect on this topic of Love.
Love verb: Not a thing that is blind but the act of actually seeing the needs of others and of putting their needs higher than yourself or your needs.
"You can't love your car. Or your house. OR your rubber ducky. Your car/house/ducky may be nicer than any of ours, but if you 'love' them, you're really just loving what you have--thus, you are just being devoted to your own self, your own pleasure, and your own happiness. If you think you love your car, you need a whack upside the head and a serious reevaluation of priorities.
Love is not a sentiment or an emotion. It is not something you feel but action you take on behalf of others. And love certainly isn't blind. Love stares the suffering and the needs of neighbor--and even the enemy!--hard in the face. And then does something about them.
If you have a problem with this, you might have a problem with God. We are only able to love because God first loved us (see 1 John 3:16). God's very nature is love, since God's actions of creation, redemption, and sanctification are continuous acts of love. Seeing as the world doesn't stop existing for people who are jerks, we can know that God's love is unconditional (110)."
How true that is. So this Valentine's day, I would ask how are you doing love?
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