Monday, November 12, 2007

Random thoughts

I often read with humor the letters to the editor in the World Herald. There are a few that can get my blood pressure up and others that seem to be just greatly misinformed. There also many that show thoughtfulness and careful reflection even on things that I would not agree on. There have been several that have dealt with the idea of becoming less dependent on foreign oil. I agree that we should look at ways that we can lessen our dependencies. Ethanol has been touted as the savior. I do feel using renewable resources certainly has more going for it than our using resources that have limits. There is a concern though that using particularly corn or soy can lead to decreases in the production of food which would greatly affect the poor. We need to become more aware of the interconnectedness of our decisions.
I did have an idea about how we can drastically cut our dependence on gasoline if we are serious about wanting to do that. I would think if we would ration gasoline for personal use to about 10 gallons a month think about what that would mean. It would require us to be more diligent about how we use our cars especially in commuting to work and to others non-essential trips. It would require us to be more aware of mass transit, the development of vehicles that would get increased mileage, and looking at alternative fuel such as electric and hydrogen cells. It would require our society to think beyond themselves and to think about others. We could also get serious about car pooling.
I know that often I will get in the car to go get my daily fix of coffee. That is not essential and if I was in better shape I could ride my bicycle to get there. Maybe that would be the motivation for me to get into shape and something that I could reward myself.
Think about it dear readers.

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