Wednesday, August 26, 2009


It has been a long time since I updated my blog and I apologize. I have been gone on vacation and since I have returned I seem to be caught up in meetings galore. I did want to share with you this article from Scott on Serving Strong.

Serving Strong eNews
A Tuesday morning minute just for you because you care for others.

Stop Stewing And Start Doing

This just in....

"It was an eerie sight for a motorist driving Interstate 526 in South Carolina - a helicopter in the distance spewing smoke as it plunged toward the Wando River. The Post and Courier of Charleston reported the motorist called 911 with the report Wednesday. Police and three Charleston Fire Department trucks and a fire battalion chief raced to the scene. One Charleston police officer drove calmly by after seeing the truth. It was a helicopter all right - a remote controlled toy helicopter about 2 feet long. Police spokesman Charles Francis said two people were below the interstate bridge operating the toy chopper when it went down."

True story. All that hubbub. All that ado. And for what? A TOY helicopter? Give me a break. Sounds ludicrous, doesn't it? Before you answer, allow me a question...

As you read this issue, what are you worrying about?


Studies indicate that over 85% of all that we worry about never happens. These include worries over which we have no control, irrational concerns or fears, and future worries.

And what about the remaining 15%? Doesn't matter. Worrying never helps the situation anyway. What does? ACTION:

1) List the things that worry you.
2) Determine which ones are worthy of your time.
3) Start taking action on them.

Seriously, worry distracts us from our mission to help people. And subscribers who read the Stressors a couple issues ago may notice a trend. The message is clear: Stop Stewing and Start Doing!

I'll "see" you right here next week.

I found that to be helpful this morning. I have also received concerns about a member of my church who received news about her cancer. I would like to have people pray for her. God knows who she is just lift up this person for God's comfort, peace, and healing.

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