Monday, May 24, 2010


Here it is Monday once again and the cycle of life continues. I start each Monday with reading scripture and a prayer as I begin to process what next Sunday will bring and what the rest of the week looks like. I currently am in the between times. I will be moving at the end of June to Ainsworth which is about 205 miles from Omaha in the North Central part of Nebraska not far from the South Dakota border. As a result I am living in the chaos of boxes. Nancy and I are trying to sort through all of the things that we have accumulated. We have decided to try to eliminate, share, or sell what we have not used or even looked at in the last 4-6 years. We have taken a number of boxes of books to the half price book store to sell. The problem is that I have a hard time going to a book store and leaving empty handed. The good thing is that even if I purchase a book, I still leave with fewer than what I came in with.

This Sunday as I prepare for the worship service, there a number of ways that I could reflect on. The first is that this Sunday is Memorial weekend. There is a time that we need to remember those who gave of their lives for our freedom. It is also a time that we need to remember the One who gave his life for our life eternal. It is also Trinity Sunday and Peace with Justice Sunday.

The scripture is Proverbs 8, Psalm 8, Romans 5:1-5, and John 16:12-15. During seminary I did a video of a sermon on Proverbs 8 and I found that passage to be insightful for me. Though I will not preach the same sermon today, I am going to preach from Proverbs 8. The lection is Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31. I am going to use the entire chapter. I would suggest that readers look it up and particularly from The Message.

The question is how are we to live wisely? To what do we depend on? I sometimes think I focus on similar topics so often but it is amazing that Scripture continues in its entirety to point to a way of living our lives in a way that is simpler and less anxious. We seem to go out of our way to make it more difficult. So how would you answer the question. let me know.

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