Thursday, August 20, 2020

Credo 8-21-2020


Credo 8-21

                I am sorry that I have become sidetracked on my entries. Between eye exams and caring for our granddaughter, I have been busy and distracted. So here is another Coffin excerpt from his book. “Love measures our stature: the more we love, the bigger we are. There is no smaller package in all the world than that of a man all wrapped up in himself (pg. 24)”.

                In this time of political upheaval, I look at those who seemed more concerned about others than about themselves. There are politicians that do care and show that care in their discourse and their actions. This also can apply to pastors and churches. As I read the gospels, Jesus came to us so that we could become his messengers of love to all the world. Read the great commission in Matthew or his final discourse to the disciples in John. By the love you show, they will know me. The good news, the gospel, is love. If we are to live our lives faithfully, convey hope to a hopeless world, let us live with love not the rhetoric of hate and separation. Choose not the name calling and judgmental acts of people and institutions, but instead choose love.

                Tomorrow, I will be moving onto the chapter of social justice and civil liberties. Until than love without judgment, hope for no other reason than Jesus, and have faith that moves mountains if not people.


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