Tuesday, December 30, 2008

John 1:1

"In the beginning the Word already existed; the Word was with God and the Word was God." GNT.

This begins the Gospel of John.  The first 14 verses called the prolog frame what the writer of the Gospel wants to say about who Jesus was and his relationship to God.  What I find interesting is that the writer begins with "In the beginning," connecting what is happening with the Incarnate Deity with Genesis 1:1.  Jesus represents this Word translated as Logos in Greek and Sophia in Hebrew.  Jesus is the Wisdom of God.  God spoke and creation happened.  God spoke and Jesus happened.  God continues to speak to us today as each day becomes a new creation.  God's Wisdom is available to us through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus and in the Holy Spirit.  Each gospel starts at a different way of presenting who Christ is.  Matthew starts with a genealogy and talks about Joseph and the birth.  Luke starts with Mary and the birth.  Mark starts with the baptism of Jesus.  Only John presents Jesus as being part of the very act of creation and representing the Wisdom incarnate.

So what makes that so important.  For me, I find it comforting that Jesus is someone I can count on no matter what happens in my life.  Jesus was present prior to creation, in the creation act, lived among us, and continues to be with us.  I don't find much else that has the sense of permanence.  Even in science, what was assumed to be unalterable truth, becomes changed with new discoveries.  Most scientists would admit that there is much they do not know or comprehend.  I believe that even with the new discoveries there are more questions than answers.  When I was teaching sociology at a state college, I remember one sociologist that stated that the social reforms that are seen to solve the problems we face, become the social problems of the future.
There is nothing that lasts forever except God.  I need a foundation that I can depend on that is unshakable and eternal.  That does not mean that there is not change or evolution in creation.  It does mean that there are truths of which we are not completely aware of that is the aim of God.  These truths which as Paul says in 1 Corinthians 13, we only see partially will become evident in God's eternal reign.
So in a world of evolving change, I can find solace that though I believe change is inevitable that there are some truths that do so evolve.  So as I evolve as a Christian I can turn to my limited understanding of those truths as my foundation.  I believe those truths are found in Scripture and are inspired by God's Word or Wisdom to help all of us live a more faithful and fruitful life until the Kingdom comes.  Thanks be to God, in Jesus name.  Amen.

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