Monday, December 29, 2008

Psalm 147:1

"Praise the Lord!  How good it is to sing praises to our God: for he is gracious and a song of praise is fitting." NRSV

What if every morning and every evening one would start and end the day with singing praises to God. Imagine what the day and evening might be like.  Would you find the day to go easier and your rest at night be better?  I know that when I make the effort to thank God for the day that is yet to come and at night spend time praising and thanking God for the day that was, I sleep better and I find that the day seems to go smoother.  Not saying that there are no problems that come up and that I have to deal with, but somehow I find ways to resolve the issues and am not so turn up by them.  I am more creative and energetic and less tired when I make the effort.  I also noticed that when I get caught up in the daily routine without starting the day off with praise, that I am not as energetic and become more distracted and accomplish less.

Saying that I know that in my life I can get out of habits far more easily than I can get into habits.  For instance, this past week with my children and grand children staying out the house I did not exercise nor was I as diligent in my prayers.  I also have found in more difficult to stay with my eating plan.  So I need reminders to get back on track not only with the physical aspect of my life but also the spiritual.  I need reminding that it is good to sing praises to God and to remember his graciousness.  What a blessing it is to have each day presented to us as a new opportunity and a new creation.  What we choose to do with that day is up to us.  Sing forth praises to our Lord with thanksgiving and exuberance.

I also want to comment on someone who wrote me after the blog last Saturday.  The person mentioned that sometimes it is easier to remember the blessings of God in everyday events when one is not surrounded by an abundance of material things.  I agree that is often the case.  Though I know of those who are able to see beyond things to reach out to God and to share with others.  I mentioned in my comment back that my good friend Dennis who was a missionary often spoke the radical hospitality that he experienced from many people who had very little.  He also stated that they were often so thankful for what we would call the little things.  I also believe that we no matter our social status can take time to be thankful for the blessings of God and to share those with others without judgment.


Joan's Good Life said...

Being new to prayer and worship... I find that there are some days when I feel as if it's just one more thing I have to do in a day. (reading my devotions & prayers) At least my day begins with that thought, but I do the devotions and prayer and then through out the day I realize little things that I appreciate or find new wonder in and realize that it is because of what I read that morning. It is also a reminder that we are (I am) a disciple of Christ and as such should try to behave in a way that will encourage others to seek Him. Of course, key word being "try"...

Reveldon said...

It is difficult but the rewards are great. I may also not start each day with praise but lately I have been more intentional about it. I remember as a therapist when someone would say they would try to do something, I would comment either do it or not. trying often fails. Yet, I still try myself. Hang in there and as you make the effort note how your day goes.