Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Nancy and I just got back from not only taking our grandchildren to school but also had our first session with a personal trainer. Needless to say as I am typing this my arms feel like jello. It has been some time that I have worked out with weights with the intensity that we did today. What was the insight for me was the fact that I could start off with enthusiasm with heavier weights but after the second rep I could barely lift the weights at all. Muscle fatigue had set in and I could feel the exhaustion building in my arms. I had to go to lesser weights to compensate. Being the first time our trainer stated rather than quit go to the lesser weights but finish the reps.

I got thinking about this and how it applies in other areas of our lives. I have been reading John Wesley's journals and marveled at the fact that even when he had doubts about himself especially when people criticized his sermons, his efforts to reach out to those who were marginalized, and his uncompromising positions to not cater to those who wanted to control, he kept up and finished. Even though he may not have completed every thing that he envisioned.

In our lives we often start projects such as bible studies, prayer, worship attendance, etc. with great enthusiasm. But at some point fatigue sets in. What determines what character we are depends on how we respond to that fatigue. Do we give in to it? Do we use it for an excuse as to why we can't change? Do we say we are failures so why try? What character do you and I want to be known by. Maybe we need to lessen our weights but continue to move forward despite the uncomfortableness and fatigue.

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