Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What pressure are you under?

This came in my inbox and I wanted to share with you.

Serving Strong
A minute for you
because you serve others.

Serving Strong Issue No. 153
Artesian Strength

Artesian Well"Artesian" (pronounced, "arr-TEE-zhun") is an adjective to describe water which spurts out of the earth under natural pressure. Hmmm... two phrases jump out at me when I read this definition: "spurts out" and "natural pressure." Let's look briefly at each.

"Spurts Out"

When the pressure is on, what comes out of you? Are you a jovial dispenser of joyfultude? Or are you a boiling cauldron of barbs? It's true what they say in the computer world, "Garbage In, Garbage Out." When the heat is on, what's inside boils out. What are you feeding your spirit and mind? What is your current book? What is your next book? What do you watch on TV? What do you listen to on the radio?

"Natural Pressure"

Opposite of natural is Un-natural. Un-natural pressure is the pressure that arises out of a false pretense (for example, those with a martyr complex take on others' problems as though they were their own.) We subject ourselves to this pressure. It requires extra energy to maintain - energy we cannot afford to waste. What pressure are you assuming that isn't yours to assume? What attitudes or self-talk are you operating under to make you act this way?


* Fill your mind with nourishment. Get into God's Word. Listen to uplifting talk. For every negative input (which is a part of your vocation, let's be honest), counter it with the Truth that God will always come through.
* Assume just the amount of pressure God designed for you to handle. Stop telling yourself you are the answer to EVERYONE'S needs. Do just what He tells you to do. Where He calls He supplies.

Resolve to be an artesian well spurting out water of hope under natural pressure.

I'll "see" you right here next week.

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