I do want to share the bible verse for today. As I do, I would ask that you would reflect on what it says to you and what it can mean for this coming year in your life and the life of your church.
John 1:6-7, "There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify to the light, so that all might believe through him." NRSV
What struck me were two statements. A man sent from God and that he came as a witness to testify to the light. The first statement about being sent from God. Have you ever thought that you were sent by God? Sometimes when I take the time to reflect on this statement, I am awe that maybe God sent me to be a witness. Scripture states that even before we were born God knew us and had ordained us. Even as I write this shivers come over me that God would know me and ordain me. Being anointed by God should answer all questions about what my purpose must be in life. It is to be a witness for God.
When I was ordained as an Elder in the United Methodist Church and the Bishop and the members of the Board of Ordained Ministry laid hands on me, it was an experience that I will never forget. Yet, sometimes I may doubt that God laid his hands on me to be His witness. He has also laid His hands on you. What is so awe inspiring about this, is that we can be witnesses to God in so many ways. We can witness in music, in our work, in our play, in our prayers, and in our studies. God has put upon our hearts that desire to praise God and to share our praise with others.
I don't know how many times I have heard (even sometimes in the past I had said), I can't evangelize. I don't have the words, I am scared, I am embarrassed about talking about my faith, and I don't want to push my faith onto others. If we place our faith in our God, God will see us through. Even if we don't have the words, we can testify in our deeds. I no longer can say that I cannot do this. I believe it is the purpose that God has place upon me and placed upon you. We do not have to be perfect to live to this purpose.
So think about last year 2008, were there times that you witnessed through words or deeds of the glory of God, the light in the dark world. As we go forward to 2009, are we willing to share the good news with those around us? That would be a great New Year's resolution.
Peace be with you and those you love. Talk to you next year.