Monday, February 2, 2009

Monday musings

Yesterday as I was going to prepare for services at the church, we had a spectacular morning sunrise here in Nebraska. The colors were rich and vibrant. I was so caught up in just taking time to look at the sunrise and spending just those few moments appreciating the wonders of God's creation. What struck also today was looking at some of the blogs that I follow and seeing from Chase Images a photo of a sunset in Wyoming. Once again it is great that we remember to take time to be in nature and to remember that we are to care for it in whatever way we can.

I am about to leave to attend a meeting in Lincoln. I am part of a committee in the church that oversees the ordained pastors in our denomination as far as determining their fruits and to recommend to our bishop for ordination. As part of that I am reviewing a sermon, bible study, and answers to our traditional theological questions. As I am reading these papers, i am reminded on the tremendous responsibility that we have and not just ordained pastors but all the ministry of the church. Each person is called to share of themselves. I would love to have members spend time also reflecting on the theological questions that our Book of Discipline requires of ordained pastors.

Some of the questions deal with the Lordship of Jesus Christ and what that means to a person. How does the Holy Spirit work in your life? Why do we need Divine Grace? What is the purpose of you to participate in the means of grace particularly the sacraments? What is church? As pastors we are to spend time reflecting on some of these questions and to determine after years of serving the church if any of these change. Over the next few days, I will take time to share with you my answers to some of these questions. I will also reference the section of the Discipline for one to reflect on their answers. What a perfect way of preparing for Easter.

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