Monday, March 2, 2009

I have been doing some catch up with emails and work so here I am on a Monday evening late writing my blog. I have been working on sermons and ideas about living a more disciplined life. Tonight in bible study we were looking at the last week prior to Easter and discussing Monday when Jesus entered into Jerusalem for the second time and went to the Temple and disrupted the temple's business by chasing out the moneylenders and those who were selling the animals for sacrifices.
In our discussion, we looked at what Jesus was doing as compared to some of the prophets of old had said about misusing the power of religion to hide behind.  We could identify that even today there are many instances that people will misuse power to support their personal agenda and not worry about being faithful to God.
In further reflection, I want to look at the idea that the Temple can also refer to our own bodies and the relationships we have with others.  Jesus referred to our body being a temple.  Maybe one aspect of this scripture can also apply to our personal lives and how we treat ourselves and how we treat one another.  As a therapist, I encountered many people who would misuse relationships so that they could exert power over others.  I also witnessed many people misusing themselves, actually harming themselves.  Somewhere I believe that we need to remember that we are created in our God's image and that not only should we treat ourselves in such a manner to respect that image but also remember that others likewise are created in that same image.
What a world we would live in if we would not only live our lives in dedication and praise for God but in loving one another.  That truly would be the Kingdom.

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