Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I wanted to share with you this article. despite others thinking that I always need to be creative sometimes what others say can inform us.

Your SPIN Cycle
As you read this, you are the sum total of all the times you've said "yes" in your life. Every "yes" is equivalent to a plate spinning on the top of a pole. For example, when you said "I do", you started a marriage plate. When you gave birth to a child, you started a parental plate, etc. And so we go on spinning everyday.
Here's the deal: We are finite. Our time, energy and resources have limits. Therefore, each "yes" has a corresponding "no" (Example, if I say yes to helping a friend clean out their garage, I am saying no to a concert.) We simply cannot be at 2 places at the same time.


We are successful when 3 things are happening:
The right plates are spinning.
We are able to give each plate the attention it requires.
No plates are spinning at the expense of the others.
Where do we begin toward a successful SPIN cycle? Start by taking inventory of all the plates you are currently spinning. Then take a long, hard look at each plate and determine what needs to be done. You will renew your commitment to some plates (like your marriage) or purge some plates that aren't a good fit for you anymore. The key is wisdom. God has all the wisdom you need if you ask Him.

I trust your SPIN cycle runs smoothly. If not, you can make it better starting today!

I'll "see" you right here next week.

I have been thinking about what plates I have spinning not only spiritual, relational, and personal but also as a pastor with responsibilities to the local church and to the conference. Time to reflect on the plates that I have spinning.

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