Saturday, March 21, 2009

This has been quite the day. This Sunday I was going to talk about stretching our faith and relating it to the story in Luke 15 about the prodigal son. Today my faith was tested as I discovered that our church was burglarized. In talking to the deputy and crime scene investigator and with news reporters, I felt the mixture of feelings that come with this event. I was initially hurt, angry, dismayed that someone would rob us. Now that I have time to reflect on this I realize that my faith is in need of stretching. I know that God loves all people even those who would steal from His place of worship. I know also that God is a merciful God and willing to forgive us no matter our sins.
I was reflecting on the younger son and his faith journey. One of my staff stated who would he be today. Would he be an addict? Would he be a thief? And to realize that this young son came to a point in his life recognizing his sin and his willingness to face the consequences of his choices and knowing that he risked the rejection of his Father. So when he came home and his Father ran out to him, hugging him crying not out of judgment but out of mercy that "he who was dead is alive, he who was lost was found." So too must I come to that point of forgiveness and ask others to pray for him or them. My faith is being stretched and I pray for God's spirit to guide me.

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