Monday, January 26, 2009

Monday night reflection

I cannot believe how quickly time seems to get away from you if one does not pay attention and make a commitment to doing what one knows they need to do.  It is not so much that time gets away from one as it is, at least for me, how I choose to waste time.  There are times that I need to remind myself of what is valuable and what is not.  My prayer is to spend time in a more faithful fashion than just to sit in the easy chair numbing myself on television.
I wanted to write about something that came up in our bible study tonight.  We are studying scriptures from Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel.  One of the days readings dealt with what do we place our trust in.  In our discussion, we looked at the idea that without trust in God do any of us truly have a sense of security?  One of the members of the group mentioned a quote that went something like we can spend time pushing God away and spend the rest of our lives trying to find something to replace God with.
What we discussed in the section from Ezekiel on the shepherds paired the justice of the shepherds who were to care for their flock and instead misused their power and God caring for His flock and leading them to safety and security.  The point of the author of the book was that often we try to place our sense of security into military might, home security systems, acquiring wealth and possessions, rather than trusting in God to be our foundation.  I have always felt that in our nation where there is so much opportunity, so much abundance, and so much freedom why is there so much anxiety and depression that is prevalent?  Why do people hoard what they have?  We seem to be a nation that is consumed with making sure that I am OK even to the point of not caring for others.  I know that is a generalization and that there are many people who do care about what is happening to others in our nation and throughout the world.  At the same time, it is difficult to have that much trust in God as we are human.
As I have time to reflect on this, my prayer is that we can turn to God realizing that in that trust we can find security even in difficult times.

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