Saturday, January 3, 2009


I have to confess that this morning in the men's group we talked about discipline and commitment and accountability. The bible study we do on Monday's seemed to speak to that this week as well as what we are doing in our group which is to look at Proverbs and we spent time talking about Proverbs 1-3. As we discussed what it had to say there were two verses that spoke most to me. These were Proverb 1.7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; Fools despise wisdom and discipline. The other verses were 3.5-6, Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths smooth both of these from the Jewish Study Bible.
As I was preparing my sermon and finalizing that, I realized how true those statements are. Rather than just thinking about how I am going to do something, maybe I need to remember to trust that God knows what needs to be done and if I take the time to open myself up to His will things will go smoother. As you prepare for your time with God remember that God so loves you that he came to us. Have a great Sabbath.

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