Monday, January 5, 2009

Monday of the new year

Today is the first Monday of 2009. There was research done about Mondays and how people perceived them in a more negative light than say Fridays. The actuality is that Mondays are no worse than any other day of the week. The perception often attaches meaning to the day. Actually that is true about a lot of situations. What we perceive about a certain situation, attaches some sort of feeling and thoughts about that whether positive or negative. I believe that not only our perceptions but also values and familiarity also influences us. Change is often so difficult to deal with because it involves leaving behind our comfort zone and facing something new even if that is going to be better. The new year represents ever cycle new possibilities and how often do we stay stuck with what we have always done even when we know we need to move on.
Jesus often pointed out that he came to do something new and despite healing, feeding, and teaching he met resistance wherever he went. To offer something new, an epiphany of sorts, will generate some resistance no matter how needed the change and how wonderful the change is.
The concern is do we allow the resistance to the new derail the change. And can we do this without judging others as well as ourselves. I believe that we can do both change and allow the resistance to change to inform what we do. To rise above the inertia of doing nothing deals with the verse for today.

Psalm 29.2 KJV "Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness."

As we begin to grow and address change, I hope that I and everyone would remember that we are to give glory to the Lord. For me if I keep that in front of me, I can deal with my own resistance and the resistance of others. For it is only for the glory of God that I do what I do.

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